Jazzville at Asheville Art Museum

“Graceful, joyful, impassioned, and electric”
Read Beth’s article here!

Welcome to Jazzville

Each time Jazzville plays is different from the last. “I like the idea of never doing the same thing twice,” Cronin says. “It’s just more fun with these songs because you can turn them inside out and upside down, and they’re still amazing.”

Read Owen’s article here!

by Owen Hahn

Album review: ‘Blue Skies’ by Jazzville by Bill Kopp

Jazz is one of the few musical idioms in which artists can record and/or perform the compositions of others and still gain widespread critical acclaim. The form itself is designed to allow — and perhaps even demand — a fresh and original approach to existing material. Against that backdrop, Blue Skies, the debut release from Jazzville, is a successful exploration of familiar jazz standards…